Well hey there friends! How's everyone been? I have been a pretty busy bee but right now I am on spring break from school and wanted to take a lil time to actually post since I have been so MIA.
I guess my first order of business here is to break some news that you'll already know about if you follow me on twitter/facebook. I'm seeing someone. Ok, that's like the lamest way to say it. I have a boyfriend. I know people are going to have mixed feelings about this, but for once in my life I don't care. This new man, he makes me so happy. He treats me so great, he treats Ariana so great and he takes us the way we are. He doesn't expect perfection and just takes me as I am crazyness and all. I never ever thought I'd love again after Jonathan. Sure, I figured there'd be a someone someday but I didn't really think I'd open my heart because I didn't think anyone would take us the way we came. I gotta tell ya it's a pretty great feeling. And I also want to put it out there that it does not change anything with Jonathan. I still love him more than anything, I still talk about him, I still miss him so very much and I still wonder what if, and I still do cry about him. But I think I deserve to be happy and I know Jonathan would want me to be happy and to be with someone who would treat Ariana and me with love since he is not here to. And this new man, he accepts Jonathan and my love for him and doesn't discourage me from still loving him, it's pretty awesome. So enough mushy gushy stuff you guys prob want the dirty details about him, right?
Ok so... his name is Zach. And to answer the question that I seem to get immediately... yes, he's a Marine. Come on... I live in Jacksonville. Haha. He is currently non-deployable though so don't start freaking out for me! He is tall and has dark hair and blue eyes. He is younger than me but I'm ok with it because he doesn't look or act younger than me (
I told him I liked it because there was more of a chance of him outliving me... I know... bad widow humor. He laughed tho so it's ok). He has a great sense of humor and laughs at my ridiculousness which is always a great thing. My friends that have met him all seem to like him and everyone so far likes seeing me so happy. He's great with the baby and she's really taking to him. We met on St Patty's Day (
and no, I wasn't drunk. I didn't drink on the drinking holiday at all!) We actually met because he is friends with a friend of mine from school's husband. He saw my photo on her facebook and wanted to know who I was and wanted to meet me because he thought I was gorgeous so I was like sure I guess I'll meet him and we just hit it off. He's originally from Wisconsin. And I don't know what else you would wanna know so there ya have it that's Zach the new bf. Oh and here's a pic of us together.

In other news we're looking at adopting a boxer. I'm really really excited. I think it's time for us to get a dog, Ariana loves dogs. The people are coming to the house on Monday for the home inspection to help us find the best fit for our family. :)
School has been great. I've officially finished my first semester and did so with flying colors. I got an A in both theory and practical and I kicked ass at both final exams. I love it so much and I am sooo excited to become a stylist.
Hmmm I think that's really all that's going on. My parents and sis are coming down in a couple weeks for Easter so I'm really excited for that. Oh oh I almost forgot one thing. I got a sweet surprise last week. My dad had me go home to "surprise my mom" for their anniversary and watch the house so they could do something. It turned out the surprise was on me. They had flown my best friend home from Japan. Mom knew March kinda sucked for me and promised me April would be better and she figured what better way to start April out then with a visit from Ria since I hadn't seen her since Jonathan's funeral. It was definitely awesome and she is here in NC until the 25th of April so I am really happy about that. There's a video on facebook of my surprise... it took me a second to figure out what was going on and then I lost it. If I can get it up here I'll post it for ya'll because it's pretty funny.
Ok NOW that's about it. Sorry I talked your ear off. I need to get back into posting regularly so I don't have to write a novel when I do post! Hope you all are having a great start to your spring!