Well hey there friends! How's everyone been? I have been a pretty busy bee but right now I am on spring break from school and wanted to take a lil time to actually post since I have been so MIA.
I guess my first order of business here is to break some news that you'll already know about if you follow me on twitter/facebook. I'm seeing someone. Ok, that's like the lamest way to say it. I have a boyfriend. I know people are going to have mixed feelings about this, but for once in my life I don't care. This new man, he makes me so happy. He treats me so great, he treats Ariana so great and he takes us the way we are. He doesn't expect perfection and just takes me as I am crazyness and all. I never ever thought I'd love again after Jonathan. Sure, I figured there'd be a someone someday but I didn't really think I'd open my heart because I didn't think anyone would take us the way we came. I gotta tell ya it's a pretty great feeling. And I also want to put it out there that it does not change anything with Jonathan. I still love him more than anything, I still talk about him, I still miss him so very much and I still wonder what if, and I still do cry about him. But I think I deserve to be happy and I know Jonathan would want me to be happy and to be with someone who would treat Ariana and me with love since he is not here to. And this new man, he accepts Jonathan and my love for him and doesn't discourage me from still loving him, it's pretty awesome. So enough mushy gushy stuff you guys prob want the dirty details about him, right?
Ok so... his name is Zach. And to answer the question that I seem to get immediately... yes, he's a Marine. Come on... I live in Jacksonville. Haha. He is currently non-deployable though so don't start freaking out for me! He is tall and has dark hair and blue eyes. He is younger than me but I'm ok with it because he doesn't look or act younger than me (I told him I liked it because there was more of a chance of him outliving me... I know... bad widow humor. He laughed tho so it's ok). He has a great sense of humor and laughs at my ridiculousness which is always a great thing. My friends that have met him all seem to like him and everyone so far likes seeing me so happy. He's great with the baby and she's really taking to him. We met on St Patty's Day (and no, I wasn't drunk. I didn't drink on the drinking holiday at all!) We actually met because he is friends with a friend of mine from school's husband. He saw my photo on her facebook and wanted to know who I was and wanted to meet me because he thought I was gorgeous so I was like sure I guess I'll meet him and we just hit it off. He's originally from Wisconsin. And I don't know what else you would wanna know so there ya have it that's Zach the new bf. Oh and here's a pic of us together.

In other news we're looking at adopting a boxer. I'm really really excited. I think it's time for us to get a dog, Ariana loves dogs. The people are coming to the house on Monday for the home inspection to help us find the best fit for our family. :)
School has been great. I've officially finished my first semester and did so with flying colors. I got an A in both theory and practical and I kicked ass at both final exams. I love it so much and I am sooo excited to become a stylist.
Hmmm I think that's really all that's going on. My parents and sis are coming down in a couple weeks for Easter so I'm really excited for that. Oh oh I almost forgot one thing. I got a sweet surprise last week. My dad had me go home to "surprise my mom" for their anniversary and watch the house so they could do something. It turned out the surprise was on me. They had flown my best friend home from Japan. Mom knew March kinda sucked for me and promised me April would be better and she figured what better way to start April out then with a visit from Ria since I hadn't seen her since Jonathan's funeral. It was definitely awesome and she is here in NC until the 25th of April so I am really happy about that. There's a video on facebook of my surprise... it took me a second to figure out what was going on and then I lost it. If I can get it up here I'll post it for ya'll because it's pretty funny.
Ok NOW that's about it. Sorry I talked your ear off. I need to get back into posting regularly so I don't have to write a novel when I do post! Hope you all are having a great start to your spring!

Rachel, as I said on facebook, I'm SO happy for you. I'm glad that you've found someone who makes you smile. And he's from Wisconsin, so that automatically makes him awesome. :)
ReplyDeleteGood luck with the boxer adoption! Been thinking of you a lot lately! Lots of hugs!
happy for you!
ReplyDeleteI'm SOOO excited for you! And yes, you definitely deserve all the happiness in the world and then some!
ReplyDeleteI think it is great you have a new man in your life. You seem to be very happy and I pray things just keep getting better for you.
SO happy for you! :)
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on you big forward motions. I am glad you and Ariana are happy and doing well, and I know I am not alone in that.
ReplyDeleteKeep up being awesome girlie. You totally deserve it.
I'm really happy that you are happy! Only you can decide what is right for you and your family. If you are ready to find love again, then go for it girl! Anyone who wants to judge you for following the path to happiness should just go jump off a bridge.
ReplyDeleteGood for you! I'm really happy to see you happy again. :)
You deserve happiness girl. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad that you opened your heart again, that is a big step to healing and I'm really happy you are having a better month!
ReplyDeleteFANTASTIC. I am so happy for you! And Zach is lucky to have YOU and Ariana. And best friends do make the world a better place. I am really stoked for you.
ReplyDeleteVery very happy for you!!! I hope no one thinks ill of you for moving on. That's what you should do!
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to see more pictures of you guys.. and the new boxer!!
I am in tears ...happy tears.
ReplyDeleteI didn't know Johnny, but I think that as much as he loved you and you love him, he would want you to be happy. He would want you to find someone for A that will be there to beat off the boys, and break the legs of people that break her heart :)
I'm so happy for you. :)
You absolutely deserve to be happy. No one should be making judgements if they haven't walked a mile your shoes.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the new man! You two look really good together.
ReplyDeleteVery happy for you! Congrats on finishing your first semester on such a good note, too :) Happy friday!
ReplyDeleteYeah! I am so happy for you!
ReplyDeleteThat is so exciting. I am very happy for you :)
ReplyDeleteSeriously, Rach, we're all super happy for you, and hearing more about what a great guy he is makes me even happier.
ReplyDeleteI think that you know what is best for you and you being happy is exactly what I would think Jonathan would want you to be... you deserve to be happy.
ReplyDeleteI am glad you did well on your classes! That's so awesome
I think it's fantastic that you're seeing someone! Good for you:)
ReplyDeleteGood for you! It is so hard to find a good man who'll accept you for who you are, especially with the loss you've been through. I'm so glad to hear you are happy.
ReplyDeleteI'm very, very happy for you.
ReplyDeleteI wish you and the beautiful little girl of yours nothing but the best.
I'm so excited to see an update from you and glad to hear that you're doing well. I think it's wonderful that you have found someone and I wish you nothing but the very best. You and your sweet girl definitely deserve it! I look forward to reading more updates! :)
ReplyDeleteGood for you! Although Mr. P will always be in your heart, I'm sure that he would want you to eventually move on to live the rest of your life happy. You never know, maybe he's the one who set you and Zach up (?). Just a thought...
Yay for boyfriends! I have one, too, and he is amazing. I wish nothing but the best for you! :)
ReplyDeleteGlad to hear that you have someone who treats you well. You deserve to be happy! Even better that he understands about everything. :-)
ReplyDeleteThat is fantastic! Enjoy :)
ReplyDeleteI don't normally comment, but just wanted to say I'm happy for you and your new relationship. I think it's silly that people might have mixed feelings about that. Everyone deserve to be happy in the present, and I think there's no reason anyone should be anything but happy for you!
ReplyDeleteYou two look great together! I'm sure Jonathan not only didn't WANT you to be alone forever, but had something to do with you meeting this new amazing young man. Only the best for his girls! I hope things continue on a brighter path for you, and know that those of us out here with half a brain know that moving forward with your life does not mean your love for your husband was any less. Anyone who would judge you for dating isn't worth your time, they haven't been in your shoes and they have no place to say anything.
ReplyDeleteBe happy :)
I'm very, very happy for you! What a lovely post. I think it's excellent you are seeing someone else and I think Jonathan would think so too. You definitely deserve happiness. :)
ReplyDeleteMrs. P, you don't know me, but I have been following your blog for awhile. I have cried, laughed, and cheered you on, and I want you to know that I think it is great that you are dating again. You have shown us all your love for Mr. P, and I think that you are right, when you love someone,you only want them to be happy, and I think Mr. P wishes that for you. You are so young, and you have so much life ahead, so go ahead and make your time on earth count with no regrets. You above all people know just how precious and short our time on earth can be, so live it to the fullest. Zach seems to be special, and as long as he treats you and your beautiful girl with respect and love, then why not let him make you happy. He may be "Mr. Forever" or he may not, but the main thing is, you've opened up to the possibility of there being a "Mr. Forever" again. Congratulations on your new relationship! You deserve all the happiness this life has to give.
ReplyDeleteIm so happy for you!! I think it's important for you and your daughter to be happy and loved by a man:)I wish you all the best of Luck!!
ReplyDeleteI am so happy for you, anyone that gives a rats ass about you will be. I happen too. So as a matter of fact I am older then my hubs too and it hasn't hurt us at all...we've been together over 18 years...and I still love his baby face like I did when he was a youngun...lol. I am really happy he's non deployable you don't need that stress right now..speaking of stress, I just sent my man off...so when you talk to Jonny please ask him to look after his 3/4 brothers ok (I am not breaking OPSEC it was in the base paper today so I am good)...I know it will help! Again so happy for you and your daughter and you my dear are the example of grace.
ReplyDeleteThat must have been an amazing surprise! Yeay parents!
ReplyDeleteReading this post made me so happy! So glad that you met someone and you are happy! I love the fact that your new BF accepts that you will still feel the way you do about Jonathan.
I'm happy for you, Rachel. You really deserve to be happy and even though I didn't know Jonny... I feel he'd want you to be happy.
ReplyDeleteI'm secretly happy he isn't deployable right now because I'm sure that would cause a panic attack. But... Look at me... debbie downer...
Lets see some more pictures of this hottie!!!!! :)
Kiss Ari for me!!!!
aw! I'm so happy for you! I'm glad school is going great for you. I finally found a picture of my hairstyle for you (i lost it) I'll tweet it at you when I'm not lazy. Good luck with the dog-getting! I hope it all works out for you! *hugs*
ReplyDeleteHappy to see you back blogging! And Zach sounds like an awesome guy, and I believe that you are right Jonathan would want you to be happy, and he treats you well and Ariana, that's what matters! I am so happy for you. I can tell you are happy just in the wording and post overall. (Not that you have forgot Jonathan or anything like that) but just that you are getting some happiness back in your life, if that makes sense.
ReplyDeleteApril seems to be awesome for you! Glad your friend will be there for a while, I'm sure it is awesome to see her, and I am sure she is glad to see you and get out of Japan!
Oh and I hope you get to adopt the dog! :)
Well, not for publishing because it's a little mean, but if anybody has a problem with it, tell 'em you'll trade them and they can have a dead husband and you can be a bitch to THEM.
ReplyDeleteassholes. You do what you want/need to do. It's between the 3 of you (actually 4 including your daughter). Nobody else's opinion matters.
Semper Fi chica...
Good for you!!
ReplyDeletewow! I've been thinking about you since your last post and hoping you are doing ok. I am SOOO happy for you that you've found a guy who understands you and Ariana. it's also awesome you love school and you're excited for your new career- I started school last semester too (for teaching) and it's such a great feeling to know you've found the perfect fit. and a dog- how exciting, Ariana will love that! sorry, I know this is long and I don't know you IRL, but I teared up reading this post, because you are awesome and you deserve to be happy, and I'm so glad you are finding happiness again- it honestly made my day to read about it. I hope you have an amazing time with your bestie!
ReplyDeleteThat's great (new boyfriend, reunion with friend)! Who cares what the haters say, you having a boyfriend does not diminish in ANY way your love for Jonny!
ReplyDeleteGood luck on the boxer, too! They are great dogs!
Sooo excited for you girlie! Everyone deserves to be happy and it makes me happy seeing you smile :) Love looks good on you. It reassures me there are still good, understanding men out there. XOXO
ReplyDeleteHe's pretty cute! SO glad to hear that you're keeping the memory of your husband alive while still continuing to live your life, YOU GO GIRL!!!! :)
ReplyDeleteyay for great things in your life! when you get the puppy we need to have a playdate! :)
ReplyDeleteI am so thrilled that you found someone to make you so happy Rach! That's such great news! I'm so happy for you. I'm glad he treats you both wonderfully and that's so funny that he's from Wisconsin because that's where I live now :)
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you're happy Rach. We need to catch up soon dearest. Love you :)
I'm happy for you. This is good and normal. I'm glad you found somebody nice, and no, it doesn't have to change anything about Jonathan. We are a composite of all that has come to us in life. We continue to love the people and things we have always loved, just as much. We simply add to it and life continues. Love adds multiplies; it doesn't subtract or divide. I'm glad, too, that he is a Marine. Blessings. Mary R.
ReplyDeleteWHOOOO HOOOO!!! happy for you . . . you DO deserve to be happy and smile :) blessings, misty in NC!
ReplyDeleteGood for you!! I am sure that he would have wanted you to be happy!
ReplyDeleteVery happy for you and Ari, sometimes love comes when we don't expect it and I'm happy you are embracing it. Best wishes for you & Zach.
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness am I so happy for you!!!!!!!!! You deserve to love, you deserve that, and that is ok! And That is awesome!!! And Im just so happy to hear this!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on the boyfriend! To Hell with anyone who says anything bad. You deserve happiness and love in your life!
ReplyDeleteGood luck on the Boxer! Little Butt loves dogs too but The Hubble is allergic so we can't have one.
And congratulations on school!!! You should post more pictures of your rad hairdos!
You deserve to be happy and to be loved and to be taken care of. I'm glad to hear school is going well, I wish I had talent like that - heck I don't even know how to use a curling iron! :)
ReplyDeleteGood for you Rachel. I'm sure people will initially wonder about your decision... but people have to understand you don't get too many opportunities to be happy in life so when someone or something comes your way you can't squander it! Best of luck! :)
ReplyDeleteWell I just want to say I'm furious with you. How dare you leave us hanging with such a blurry picture!!! Please go set your camera up with a timer and take some clear ones :P
ReplyDeletehaha okay now that that pesky matter has been addressed. I'm happy you are happy. I won't even pretend to understand how its possible to love and grieve for one person while taking this step but that's because I haven't been in your shoes. So no one can judge. I think sometimes as people we can come off mad or judgmental simply because we don't understand something or may even be scared of it. You just have to do what's right for you and Ariana.
I've been a casual reader of your blog, and I've sympathized with your life and ordeals. You're super strong. I, for one, and happy that you've found a relationship, for better or worse. My husband is deployed, and not a day goes by that I don't wonder, "what if he doesn't make it home?" It's unrealistic to think you'll never have another relationship. Not to make light of losing someone you love, I know I'd be devastated and would need a lot of time before I let myself become involved with someone again, but especially where we're so young, and even if we were older, it's human nature to seek companionship. I am happy that you've found someone who treats you great, and makes you happy. I wish you and Ariana the best!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you are happy =)
ReplyDeleteI don't think I've ever posted on your blog. But I have a friend, who went through a semi-similar situation and she's been trying to just keep going and finishing school and such. & I'm honestly just really happy that you are happy and even my friend is happy. It doesn't change anything at all, but it takes so much courage to even begin to move forward and I know your husband will forever be in your heart and live in you, but I'm also very glad that you found someone that help mend it. =)
Good for you, I am happy to see you moving forward with your life
ReplyDeleteHello, it's great you have a new someone and I think it's the best news. People will always have difficulty understanding new love in the midst of great grief because it poses many questions. In loss like this a new relationship is obviously juxtaposed beside a continuation of the love for the one who got taken, so therefore it's hard to imagine having 'two loves' running concurrently. But this is where much learning and compassion takes place for us all, when we realise that nothing is so black and white and in life many things are both possible and not always as we might imagine. The very fact that a new relationship can occur like this is such a magic and hopeful occurrence and evidence of triumph over adversity always. I'm sure anyone as lovely as Jonny was to you would want you to just be happy and not question it :-)
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy for you! You and Ariana deserve all the happinessin the world!
ReplyDeleteI think that it's ok for you to have started seeing someone else. Yes some people are going to feel like you are rushing it but you have to do what you need to do for you. You can't stay in mourning forever and sometimes love sneaks up on you in the strangest places and when you least expect it. Jonathan wouldn't want you to be going through this alone and if Zack makes the days more bearable than you should follow your heart. I'm a fellow marine wife and don't know how you have managed to stay so strong and keep your head it. It is truly an inspiration to the rest of us.
ReplyDeleteI so glad to hear you are so happy! And what a great surprise from your parents!
ReplyDeleteThis is fantastic! As long as he treats you and your little girl right, I think it's great that you have a new bf! (I have a new bf too, so maybe that's why I'm extra excited for you.)
ReplyDeleteYay! I'm so happy for you. I've asked my husband what he wanted me to do if he died and the very first thing he said was to find someone else that made me happy. So I'm sure Mr. P is smiling down at you, happy that you're happy. You're little one also deserves a father figure and it sounds like this one's a good one. I can't wait to find out how it all turns out!
ReplyDeleteI've been reading your blog for a while now.
ReplyDeleteYou have quite a story.
I am thrilled for you that you've met someone that is also great with your little girl.
I am so happy for you. It must be so strange and scary to move forward with your life. But I think you are doing the right thing...you needing companionship and wanting to find love again isn't some horrible thing, and doesn't mean you love Jonathan less. Congrats, sweetie.
ReplyDeleteI am happy for you! Beyond happy for you. No one in the world walks in your shoes and knows where you are at in your life. We only read about it. Whether he's a short term or long term it doesn't matter. If he accepts you for you, treats Ariana as the princess that she is then that is all that matters.
ReplyDeleteI am super happy for you :)
ReplyDeleteLets plan a vacation soon!
I've been following you for a while now, and am so very happy for you and Zach! Congratulations :) You do absolutely deserve to be happy!!
ReplyDeleteI was happy to see a post. I have been reading your blog for a while and missed reading it. I am happy for you, that you have found someone. Also, I have a boxer and I love him to death. They are very hyper and loving dogs.
ReplyDeleteI think its wonderful you found someone who you really enjoy. you deserve to feel that happiness again. im praying for nothing but good things for you! And Boxers are alot of fun! and they are so darn cute!!!
ReplyDeleteGood for you!! Be happy.
I just stumbled on your blog and am amazed by your story... I can't imagine what you've gone through and I hope things work out alright for you. I'm praying for you.
ReplyDeleteI am really glad to hear that you are finding happiness and love once again. Best wishes!!
ReplyDeleteI thought I commented before.... But I say good for you. you deserve happiness. And for the haters- they can go "pleasure" themselves. Just saying'. ;)
ReplyDeleteI'm happy for you Rachel :-).
@Samantha the ArmyWife: lol! True that!
I have to say just two things...
ReplyDelete1) You INSPIRE me, and everyone around you. You're amazing and extremely strong.
2) I'm so happy for you! I don't comment on your stuff at all, ever, but I do read it and I love how optimistic you are. I'm so happy for you.
I stumbled across your blog not long after the terrible news about your husband. I probably should take my wife's advice and keep my mouth closed, as I have a tendency to taste my foot too often.
ReplyDeleteWe've been married for over 30 years. When "it" comes up, I always tell her that if I go first that sometime, somewhere she will meet a man who wants to love and take care of her. My only hope is he loves her as much as I did. (She says she couldn't. I say she must. Why stay alone? That IS a death sentence, isn't it?)
I pray you find everlasting happiness.
Good luck from a former Marine and Marine parent.
Rachel - very glad that you are happy in life. You deserve it!
ReplyDeleteI will be in Topsail on vacation in June. Maybe I'll run into you and Zach. ;) lol
P.S. It is going to be weird going back to Jacksonville for a visit. It's been well over 21 yrs. that I lived there.
I have been a long time lurker, never commented. I have cried through your posts, laughed through your posts, and felt deeply sympathetic towards you. I am so happy to read GOOD NEWS! Congrats on the BF, kicking school's ass, and perhaps getting a dog!!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on school and your new love! I cannot imagine your pain, but I am inspired by your words. Best of luck :)
ReplyDeleteHi, my name is Lindsay and I just found your blog this evening and have been moved, motivated and a run of emotions as I read your words. I too, am a Marine wife and applaud you for your sacrifice. I applaud you for the attitude in which you embrace life, and how you are dating someone again, that understands and can love you for you. I don't even know you and I am proud of you. Semper Fi girl..you are an amazing woman and truly inspiring. THankyou for being you.