Showing posts with label Why I Love This Week. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Why I Love This Week. Show all posts


  • Got a new job (as you've heard) and the next three days, guarenteed, I'll be making some moneys!!!! After that I get some sort of work schedule (hopefully) and will be working semi-regularly, if all pans out accordingly.
  • My husband is home. While we still don't know anything, I cherish each and every day/minute/second I get with him. Although a little word would be fantastic, having him home is basically awesome.
  • New and expecting moms meeting tomorrow night. Our battalion spouses have lots of fun things (Girls Nights Out I've mentioned before) that we do to get together, and once a month we have a Girls Night for the mommies and mommies-to-be of the group. Since I fell asleep before the first one (oops!) and didn't want to leave husband (not even for a few hours!!) right after he came home from training, this will be my first one. I'm pretty excited, two of my closest friends from the BN are hosting it, so I know it will be a blast.
  • 26 weeks pregnant and celebrating the last little bit of the second trimester. I've enjoyed this stage of pregnancy, as it really is the "honey moon phase," but I'm sooo ready to meet my baby that each day closer is more and more exciting. That and I love popping out, watching my body change (and finally not looking lumpy and jiggly and weird and actually pregnant - oh and my belly button change haha), and generally just enjoy being pregnant.
  • Thirteen nights of Halloween begins tonight on ABC Family. Ok so, maybe I cheated on this one a little bit (The commercial just came on), but realizing that 13 Nights of Halloween is here really excites me, because I love Halloween and fall time and the movies during the Halloween season :)
Happy New Week Everyone, Hope you all have wonderful things to look forward to this week!!!

Manic? Monday (A Reason To Look Forward)

Because Mondays are usually kind of stressful, I have chosen to steal this positive way to look at Mondays from the lovely Heather at Live.Love.Laugh. Such a good way to get over having a case of the Mondays. So now I present to you...

Why I love the week of October 5, 2009:

  • My husband will be in training but will be able to come home each day (I was really worried he'd have to stay out there which is no fun) and it may be early days.
  • Fall weather is finally starting to creep into the depths of North Carolina. And while it is still warm enough to wear flip flops and short sleeves, I got to wear long pants without sweating today. Woo hoo!
  • I will be 6 months pregnant on Wednesday. 24 whole weeks I've been at this baby growing stuff! Only 4 short weeks from entering into the third and final trimester!
  • I created and am adhering to a meal plan! We made it Saturday and bought all of our groceries on Sunday. It helped us save so much money and we shopped in complete meals so I won't have to run back to WalMart every single day.
  • I will be getting my flu shot some time this week. I went today but was confused and given the wrong instructions so did not get it, but I found out they are there all week. I've never gotten a flu shot in my life, but it's the best for baby girl so it's what I'm doing.
  • Tomorrow night is the Meet the Spouses night with the Batallion CO. Maybe, just maybe, we'll be given a clue as to what is going on within the unit. If not, I get to see some of my favoritest Marine Wives tomorrow, to say the least!
  • And last but not least, TWO of my favoritest (yes, I know favoritest is a made-up word and yes, I know I used it twice, there's no other word to use there though, really!) Phi Mu ladies are coming to visit me this very weekend!!!!! I'm sooo excited! Shan W and my little Theresa are making the trek down here to the (not-so) dirty south. I am really really REALLY excited for them to visit, and know we will have a blast (and I am determined to have the best time ever without going over budget, wish me luck!) They were planning a surprise but they (thankfully) let me know so I can prepare. Which, thank God they did, because we had a lazy weekend and the house was a disaster (and now I have time and a reason to clean, woo hoo!)
I am actually pretty freakin' stoked about this coming week. I'm just sayin'...

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