And well, this is my blog. Please excuse the messiness for now. I chose to blog here because I have seen some very pretty blogs come from here, and I'm working on making my blog be one of those very pretty ones.
This, is Lance Corporal Mr. P.
This, is Lance Corporal Mr. P.

So now, I'm a bit on the round side, and I'm only going to get rounder.

So now that you know who I am and why I am here, you may be curious of the basics. Basically, I'm due January 27th, 2010. That makes me 15 weeks pregnant on Wednesday. I still think the doctor was wrong about the due date, but oh well, it's just an approximation anyway. I am 22 years old and although I am a Maryland girl at heart, I am stationed in North Carolina at the moment. I have uprooted my whole life at home to be the best wife I know how to my Marine. As it is 2 o'clock in the morning, I'm going to head for sleepy land, but be on the lookout for more from this Marine Wife Mommy-To-Be!
I want to blog lol.. when will I find the time?! ~ Maggie