My name is Rachel, but here in bloggy land I simply go by Mrs. P, the abbreviated form of my (newish) married last name!
I started this blog in order to organize my crazy thoughts of everything that was going on at once. As a newly married, newly pregnant Marine wife, I had a lot going on. Now, as the wife of a deployed Marine with a newborn, the
Let's start from the beginning. In 2008, I was a wild-girl party animal. I graduated from the U of MD Baltimore Co. May 08 with a degree in psych (with honors) and a specialty in partying/being a drunk (with no dignity). I was planning on going to law school, but the one I got into (with a scholarship) was in Michigan and well.... I just didn't wanna go to Michigan. SO I decided to work at the Child Development Center on the Army post I've lived next to basically my whole life (Army brat married to a Marine... oops hehe).
While working there, I met some people and one fine day, was invited to go bowling at the

6 months after that, we were married. And 2 weeks after that, we found out we were expecting (Honeymoon Baby!!)! Yea, we don't waste anytime, but I've learned as a Marine Corps wife that there is no time to be wasted! So we happily (and not so happily, like I said, ups and downs) spent our lives in the surrounding area of Camp Lejeune, NC. Until December when we found out Mr. P was headed for the sandbox. On Dec 8, I did the hardest thing I've done yet in my young life (yes, even harder than labor), I said a temporary goodbye to my other half.

On Jan 15, I did the second hardest thing of my young life and gave birth to our gorgeous daughter. Now, together, Ariana Ralyn and I send hugs and kisses (and toilet seats...) to our beloved hero from around the world. And here I am to blog about the days (hours... minutes... seconds) of my Life as a Marine Wife, waiting to be reunited with my one true love.

Thank you, bloghoppers and other bloggy friends, for stopping by and taking a minute to read about lil ol' me!
Hi nice to meet you! I'm Christy, an Army wife of nearly 13 yrs, I'm a mom to soon to be 5, live in Germany, homeschool, and most of all I LOVE Jesus and we're raising our children to love and follow HIM! I've been through 5 deployments already (we finished up one in July which was 14 months) and already know when our next one is. They're not easy, but a time to grow as a woman, mother, and wife and for him to do the same as a man, father, and husband!!
ReplyDeleteHi Mrs. P. I'm here from the bloghop. Your daughter is beautiful! Your story sounds so familiar except for the year. Mine started in 1987 and we weathered Desert Storm. Thank your husband for his service! We are no longer military but I know the sacrifice military families experience. I love your blog. I will be back!
ReplyDeleteThe toilet seat kills me. Hee hee!
Nice to meet you! I am an Army wife and had my 2nd son during a deployment. I am a Mrs. P too :)
ReplyDeleteNice to meet you!!! I am an Army Brat of over 20 years. I lived around the globe. And survived multiple TDYs and a deployment. Now I am onto the next adventure: College!
ReplyDeleteIt is so very hard to say goodbye to our ServiceMen... And it is even harder to give birth to their children when they're far away! I've been there too. I pray you are staying strong while he is away!
I look forward to getting to know you.
Thanks for sharing about yourself! My friend Nick was in NC near you live for Marine school. I dont know much Marine lingo :(
ReplyDeleteHave a great weekend!!
You're not kidding about the TONS of snow...I think we got up to 30 inches here! Hope you're doing okay!
Hi from Bloghop, it's nice to meet you. I loved reading your story. Your daughter is beautiful. I look forward to reading more of your blog.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing your story! What a precious baby girl! Hope you're enjoying life as a new mom and can dig out of the blizzard soon!
ReplyDeleteYou really do not waste any time! :))
ReplyDeleteI did not realize your life went from college party girl to wife and mom THAT fast!!
Loved reading it!
HI! I was in the same situation about 18 months ago. I have a beautiful baby too :) I hope your man comes home soon! We just found out that mine will be headed over that way all too soon! Look forward to reading your blog :)
ReplyDeleteStopping by on the blog hop...a little late. I'm a military spouse as well. Nice to meet you!
ReplyDeleteI didn't find you in the blog hop, but rather by just browsing military wife blogs. I, too, am a military wife (army), and my husban deployed Dec. 15th. Our son was born Nov. 27th. I love finding other people in similar situations. Makes it seem a little more bearable! Come visit my blog at if you want. I'll be following yours now!
ReplyDeleteLOVE reading your blog!!! We were married and expecting all in the same week as well!!
ReplyDeleteJust saying HELLO from a fellow USMC wifey!! :)