San Diego was a complete blast. I loved it. The weather, the atmosphere, everything. The western move is still just an idea and I haven't decided 100%. I wish I could give it a trial run and just be there for a few months to see if it's a good fit or not. Maybe. We'll see. I did the whole touristy thing and went to Ocean Beach and enjoyed lunch looking out on the water, hopping across beach rocks, and drank Margaritas in the middle of the day. There's really not much to tell except that it was fantastic, sunny, and I loved it. Oh and I went and saw Camp Pendleton... I thought Lejeune was big til I saw CP.... WOW.
The ball was... much, much harder than I'd anticipated. I didn't realize all the ceremonies and talk of the fallen would happen and it was just tough. I was with a fellow widster and we had a hard time keeping it together. We actually ended up walking out of the beginning part because we were falling apart a little bit and needed a breather. I felt extremely bad and apologized to the BC for it, I knew Jonny wouldn't have wanted me to walk out but it was just... so hard. Of course the BC had no problem with it and understood. He seems like a really nice man who genuinely cares about our Marines and families and it was great to meet him (he's a new BC, not the same as the deployment). I was a little self conscious about my dress because it was a bit on the flashy side (gold and sparkly) but it received great reviews so I think I pulled it off. It was a lot of dress to handle but I felt gorgeous and when I look at the pics I really think I rocked it ;) I enjoyed dancing with my friends and being with the Marine Corps family but there certainly was no shortage of tough spots. It was more reality. I think half of me expected Jonathan to walk in, if I just went he'd come... and it was more reality to sink in that he's not coming home. But I did it and I think he'd be proud that I went and represented our family.
Now I'm just sitting here in Mexico with some of my closest college friends and some new friends enjoying the time relaxing and to just be. I miss my daughter like crazy though and am definitely ready to be back in mommy mode. I'm only here for a few days and then I'll be back with my little babe so I will enjoy the time to just be and then I will definitely enjoy the time being back with her and the fam.

Glad you are having fun and staying strong.
ReplyDeleteI want to see pics of this dress...sounds like a stunner!!!
ReplyDeleteI cant imagine, and you know it is ok not to hold it together.. You have been through something I couldnt even begin to accept in my heart.. I truly believe you are a lot stronger then me and I have prided myself on being strong. I am glad you had such a great time visiting all these different locations and I hope you continue to! Have a great time and I know you cant to be back with your baby! You both are in my prayers! Have a great day! :)
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you are having a good time in Mexico! I think you deserve some relaxation. I can't wait to see pictures!
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry the ball was hard. I can only imagine what you were feeling. Just know that Jonny is proud of you for going and I am too. You are a true Marine wife. <3
Where are the pictures of you in your gorgeous dress? =) I'm surprised you didn't post some. I'd love to see it! I follow your blog often. I am also from Maryland. My husband is Army and we are in Hawaii... well he is in Iraq right now. I am glad you are able to go out and experience the awesome traveling you are doing!
ReplyDeleteYou are quite the travelin' mama these days!
ReplyDeleteI am glad you're getting to enjoy yourself, and I'm glad that the ball went so well. I know it wasn't easy to go, but I know that Jonny is proud that you went, and honored him.
Enjoy the rest of your trip!! Can't wait for pictures!
I've been following you for a while now, but this is my first comment! Your blog is amazing! You are such an honest person and I LOVE reading your posts. Always praying for you!
ReplyDeleteYou had me at gold and lets see some pics!!
ReplyDeletePLEASE be careful in Mexico!!!
ReplyDeleteI totally need to see pictures!!!!!!! lol
I'm glad you went to the ball. I think its something you needed to do.... I went to 2... same command, so they were oddly similiar (ha, who am i to talk, I wore the same dress!!) but I think its something every marine wife should expirience... It takes great courage you went...
I'm a little jealous you're in Mexico... I was supposed to go as as senior trip, but had to be in a wedding... so I cancelled my mexico plans... and still haven't been... Enjoy some Mexican time for me!
I think its great that you went to the ball to show representation of your family and fallen Marine. You are such a strong women. I hope that you are enjoying the rest of your vacation. Hope to see pictures of your dress and time spent away :)
Mexico now?? I am going over to FB righ tnow and there better be pictures of you in that dress! I am dying to see it now! :)
ReplyDeleteI am so glad that you are enjoying yourself. I know that you know that you are always making Jonny proud. He is looking down on you & telling God "you did a good job with my wife, you knew that she would represent me well. My wife rocks & she looks sexy in that dress don't you think?" God tells Jonny, "I knew you guys would be perfect for each other when I decided for you guys to meet & fall in love"...
ReplyDeleteYou truly are a great example of an awesome supportive Marine Wife.
I'm so glad you're taking the time to pamper yourself! I'm sure the speeches at the ball were tough, and it's perfectly ok that you walked out. I know it wasn't easy. And you looked gorjas!!!
ReplyDeleteWanted to let you know I left a little something on my blog to let you know how much I heart you. I know you've received a million and one bloggy awards, but you deserve some more! ;)
It makes me so happy to read when you are out and having fun. You deserve it. I want to see pictures love!!
ReplyDeleteso glad you are taking a moment for yourself. I have to say that sometimes I come on your blog and see your header and your husbands face and it is hard to believe he is gone. I can not imagine how you do it. But I respect you for it.
ReplyDeleteWould you ever consider applying to Amazing Race with one of your widow friends? I think your strength and courage would make you a shoe-in to win that million dollars!
ReplyDeleteI just found your blog, and it really has touched me. You are one strong young lady...
ReplyDeleteLove your blog
I bet you looked GORGEOUS!!! Pics Please!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd margaritas in the middle of a hot sunny day are the best :D soak it up sister, you deserve it!
Well Mrs. P, every day I blog around, and enjoy reading all the different blogs. They are all so different and unique. The last few days I have been reading military wives blogs, because my husband is 20 years retired Air Force, and my oldest son fought on the front lines of the Gulf War. He came home safely physically anyway. Alot of blogs make me smile, laugh, inspire me, but until today none bought tears to my eyes, and I've read alot of blogs. I am 60 years old and I have emphysema and panic disorder, so every morning, when I wake up and see the sun shining in my window I feel so grateful God gave me a beautiful day to do with whatever I want to. I really didn't think much could bring tears to my eyes.
ReplyDeleteSo what do I say to you my dear. But your story did remind me of one man that might surprise you. I live in Delaware and when my oldest son who went to war was a baby, we went to the chicken festival. A young man and his beautiful wife had a booth, and they spoke to us. He said, Hi my name is Joe, and I am running for the US Senate. This is my wife and she handed me her chioken recipe. On the back of it were a picture of her, her husband, her two sons and her baby daughter, who was the same age as my oldest son I was pushing in a stroller. It was our first time we were old enough to vote, and we voted for him and he won. Shortly after that, while my little boy was playing one evening and the news came on, they said the senator elect's wife had gone shopping for a Christmas Tree and had been hit by a truck on the way home, his wife and baby daughter were dead and his little boys hospitalized. This man is none other then our Vice President Joseph Biden Sr. If you google him you will read of his story, (I did), and his journey. It was a long painful one, that I believe he still lives with today. It tells how he temporily lost his faith, it was a very long journey, but then how he found it again. He was alone for a long time, but then feels his special love sent him someone to help him and love him. Your story made me cry, his might inspire you.
God Bless you my dear, and your daughter is absolutely beautiful. Thank you for letting me visit your page.
I'm glad you and your friend had each other to lean on at the ball. Not that I'm glad either one of you have to deal with this but just that you weren't alone in know? Am I making sense or just sticking my foot in my mouth?
ReplyDeleteI hope your Cancun trip was amazing and relaxing!