Anyway, I've always been a user of "taking a shower." As in, "I'm going to take a shower," or "Get out of the bathroom I'm taking a shower!"
I've also heard "getting a shower," one of my personal least favorites. "Be right back I'm getting a shower," or "I've got to get a shower before I can go." (I always thought it should be getting in the shower, but I digress, wouldn't taking a shower - my favorite - be picking it up and moving it somewhere?).
And then the less popular (in my world, anyway) but still there, "having a shower." The one time I heard this it was something along the lines of "I'll be there after I'm done having a shower." Just sounds like too many extra words to me, but actually kind of makes sense when you think about it, at least more so than taking or getting...
So, the point of this, rather pointless post (hey, we're all entitled to one every so often) is because I've decided what I would like to say. I would like to cut it straight and to the point and use it as the word, in my opinion, was designed to be used. Showering. It is one of those words that can be both noun and verb. Like "bat." I'm holding the bat. I'm batting. I think showering is just sufficient to describe what you're going to be doing in the bathroom for the next 5-60 minutes.
Who am I kidding, I'll probably still say taking a shower. And waste those extra seconds with words just as I did writing this ridiculous post. Heh.
Hope everyone had a great Monday! No Moody Mondays (But Manic ones are fine!!)

PS While typing this I got slightly sidetracked by my rings picking up the light and sparkling in the reflection of the computer screen. I thought I was seeing sparkles but no it was just my rings, I have never noticed that before. Neat.
i just want to say, i love this.
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you posted this! I totally agree with you! It irks me when ppl use those other terms.
ReplyDeleteWhat do you say when you are bathing your child? I don't like "taking my child a bath/shower". That's not right. So many ppl use it!!!!!
Ahh I just love this post! I think random thoughts to sometimes!:)
ReplyDeleteLOL too funny. I know it's correct but it bugs me when people say "I'm well" when asked, "How are you?"
ReplyDeleteI think the most correct verbiage would be "Showering". I still say "taking a shower" though hehe. I loved this post because this is something I would totally do!
ReplyDeleteHahaha! I love it!!! =)
ReplyDeleteRandom thoughts are the best!!
I do a lot of thinking in the shower too. Wonder why that is?
I just want to say, you are not the only one that contemplates random thoughts/words. I once spent 3 hours contemplating the word "spoon"
ReplyDeletepertaining to the kids bath, I say "I'm giving saige a bath". As for the shower, I say "I need to take a shower"
ReplyDeleteI take a shower, or bath. If you say you are having a bath/shower it sounds like someone it doing it for you....I don't know what it makes me think of that...and showering just seems harder to get out...
ReplyDeleteSo that's my randomness to go with your randomness...LOL Love the post
I'd like to say I laughed out loud at this post.... like super loud!!!
I get side tracked by my rings as well! lol Sparkly things!!
You crack me up!
ReplyDeleteTo funny Rachel! Humorous yet intelligent post! I agree, the "proper" term should be showering. Have a good week doll!
ReplyDeleteI get distracted alot by my rings when I'm driving. It makes my husband sooo nervous!
ReplyDeleteHahahaha! I usually say "jumping in the shower." But I do like "showering." But it's hard to change the way you have said things for so long.
ReplyDeleteI'm new to your blog! The picture in your header of your hubby kissing your belly...WOW! It literally gave me chills! That's so sweet!!
ReplyDeleteLove this post and your's just great.
ReplyDeleteDefinitely agree about doing your best thinking in the shower, its the best source of relaxation and total alone time to think :)
ReplyDeleteI normally say "taking a shower," although I think shortening it to showering works just as well.
ReplyDeleteI always say 'Taking a shower' or 'I need to take a shower' all those other ones sound odd but I think I've used 'I'm showering' before. I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks of stuff like this :)
ReplyDeletewhen I think of showering, I think of impossible. Really, and I betcha you can relate, before kids you just hop in, after kids its like planning the invasion of Normandy to try to sneak a couple of free minutes. And then someone usually comes in to sit on the toilet and talk to me. Delightful.
ReplyDeleteps... going up to md anytime soon? I'm going to try to come down around presidents day.
just came across your blog! & love it
ReplyDeleteI have similar trains of thought, too. :)
xo G
I've followed you for a little while and I just want to say I absolutely love your writing style. This is something that I've never even considered but you wrote it so clearly! haha! Hope you and the little one have a great weekend.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite part of this post was the "5-60 minutes". Ain't that the truth.
ReplyDeleteFor the record, I say "taking a shower". No idea why. Or I say "I'm gonna go shower", but less often.
Random. Silly. Girly.
ReplyDeleteWhat's not to love about this blog?
Random. Silly. Girly.
ReplyDeleteWhat's not to love bout this blog??
I love returning ever so often to catch up on you and the baby! This is such an amazing blog!
ReplyDeleteI get sidetracked by shiny rings, too!
Love this! I use "taking a shower" too and my sis drives me when she says having a shower.
ReplyDeletePS. Had to giggle about your PS not because I've been known to be in deep conversation and then stop midway because I saw something sparkle and forget what I was saying. :D
OH! I have a sweet gift for you on my blog! Enjoy!
I just came across your blog tonight. I just got done reading your profile and about Mr. P. My heart is so heavy for you and your darling little girl. I just want to tell you that I am so grateful for your husband and all the men and women that sacrifice so much so that my family and I can sleep at night knowing we are protected. May God watch over you and your darling little girl.
um, ya!
ReplyDeleteThis was a fun read! I never really thought about those terms... But I think now I will. :)