I say it could be DDay because it was HECTIC! By my last post you will know I was signed up for a Valentine's Day MilBloggie Blog Swap and whatdaya know that even fell apart on me. Baaah it was crazy. But I am
actually not here to complain (
I know, I'm surprised, too). I'm not even here to whine or mope. Quite the contrary, in fact. I'm kind of here to brag. HA! Ok, maybe just to tell about my VDay and reminisce some old ones, but hey, it might come across as braggy.
As you may have read by my post over at
The Adventures of Mr. Superman and Mrs. S, Valentine's Day isn't really my favorite hobby and is actually quite anxiety producing in fact. The last few years, however, I've been pretty spoiled. This year including (
hang in there, it's a recap and a new story, it may end up a long one, mmk?)
So, my Valentine's certainly became much better when I met my Jonny. Jonny always spoiled me. It didn't have to be a holiday. He was definitely the most thoughtful man I have ever met. Gosh, I was lucky. He'd bring home flowers after work on some days even, that man would do anything to make me smile... Ok before I go on a tangent on how amazing he was and how much I miss him I guess I should get back to where I was... didn't I already say this was going to be a long one?! Geez, get with it Rach (
like I said... one of those days).
Valentine's Day 2009 was our first together. Jonathan had been somewhere training prior to the Valentine's weekend (
AP Hill, VA if my memory serves, but we all know my memory so don't quote me...) and got done right before Valentine's Day. Apparently, he'd been in cahoots with my madre and had a surprise all lined up for me. As beach bums, he had planned a weekend in Ocean City, Maryland for us. We stayed in a condo and enjoyed the beach during off season. We went out to the water, we got old time photos done, we had a picnic near Assateague Island... it was amazing. He gave me a Tiffany's Necklace as a gift (
I feel there were other gifts but... my memory sucks, sadly) and I was super stoked (
said necklace recently broke... I don't want to talk about it... 3 days before VDay... I think I posted about this already but I'm saying I don't want to talk about it, I make a lot of sense, don't I?!) It was an amazing weekend full of love. I had such a great time and realized I had really landed an amazing man. We were engaged, happy, and full of love and hope. Oh how I miss those days...

Valentine's Day 2010, Jonathan was in Afghanistan. He had asked me about getting money in his account during a phone call a few days before Valentine's and not thinking I asked what in the world he needed money for in the middle of the desert. He said something along the lines of what's coming up... duh. So on Valentine's Day I received a beautiful bouquet of lavender roses. He would always get me lavender roses, I had them in my wedding bouquet. I love them and they were my "Jonny flower." He would also get me lillies because they are also my fave. (
Like I said... spoiled) Anyway, so I got a gorgeous... and I mean GORGEOUS bouquet of lavender roses and a beautiful card that saddens me to think I'm not sure where it is right now and of course my memory won't allow me to remember what it says. But Lord knows it was sweet because that man always made me feel amazing, he had the most beautiful words.
This was my first Valentine's Day without him, obviously. I didn't really want to care. I wanted to avoid it. It's also the 11 month anniversary of his death. I wasn't in a happy mood this morning, in fact for those of you who I am facebook friends with may have noticed I wanted to kick people in the teeth for saying the V-word. I was glad I had school to get my mind off things. I spent the day in school and was in a much better mood after school (
have I mentioned I really love school?) I got a text from a friend and fellow widster asking if I could drop off a cookie cake to some of her fiance's friends at the barracks so I figured I'd spread a little VDay cheer. I also got a text from one of the bestie's asking if she could drop something off after school. So she met me in the parking lot with a big bag. She said she woke up out of a dead sleep this morning and felt the need to get me a VDay gift. In the bag she had gotten me a big stuffed bear, a little sock monkey for Ariana, a card and a letter and... a dozen lavender roses. The story behind the roses is interesting. She didn't know they were "Jonny's flower." In fact, she talked to my mom about what she got me and my mom prepared her for a possible meltdown and she got a little worried that she was going to upset me because she had no idea, mom told her it was ok but I might just cry a little (
which I did upon seeing them in the bag). Apparently, when she was leaving with purple daisies in her hand (e
veryone knows I loooove me some purple!) her daughter pointed out the lavender roses that were randomly sitting on a shelf near check out, not in their right spot and she thought they were much better. All this together to me sounds like some sneaky angel may have had a hand in it! (
That's what I like to think :D ). Tamara, you are an amazing person and I am so glad to have you as a friend that has become family! I also got a couple bouquets of flowers from friends, some chocolates, and RAMEN (
I know, my friends know me SO well) and Riesling
(yep, they know me WELL!). I was SPOILED. I need to thank everyone for thinking of me today and making sure I knew I wasn't alone, I don't think you can know how much it means to me. Then I got to spread a little Valentine's cheer by delivering the cookie cake (
and finding out one was ordered for us too!) and finished the day off spending time with my pretty girl and watch a movie at my friend's house, where boops fell asleep ON me (
rare occasion, I totally eat that up!). The hecticness came with picking up the cookie and picking up some flowers and getting caught in base traffic and all that stuff... doesn't sound hectic but I was constantly on the go right after school... can't complain tho, kept me busy and wasn't too bad
(ok the traffic sucked but that's ok!) but it was definitely a happier (
and slightly busier) day than I'd anticipated.

I was shown that I am loved today. I felt like a Grammy winner by the end of the day for sure. I know it's not about the gifts and material things but just people going out of their way to make my day a little better, to put a smile on my face, that really meant a lot to me. You guys have made this day a lot less miserable and I feel bad for being so bitter. I hope everyone felt the love today, I hope my widdas felt loved and know they are not alone. I am a very lucky lady. And remember, show love every day!!!