We had a very low-key Halloween, and while I missed all the festivities of Halloween's past in Maryland, being with hubs on Halloween and just hanging out was pretty sweet, too. On Friday at work was costume day, so I had to throw something together, seeing that I hadn't even considered what costume would fit over my new body shape this year. I ran to WalMart the night before and found some tiger ears, tie, and tail and some costume paint/make-up. I had a black dress and leggings at home and a tiger would have to do it! My coworkers and the kids all seemed to like it, so my quick-fix was a grand success!

It wasn't the best Halloween party I'd ever been to, but we had a good time, got to cut loose a little bit and have some Halloween fun - Oh and dress up :-D
Halloween day (Saturday) we decided to take some time to move the futon out of baby girl's room so we could set up her crib that my mom had bought and had arrived at our front door on Wednesday. It looked like it was going to be a really daunting task, but it wasn't that bad at all and didn't take much time - and Mr. P only cussed out the parts one time! haha. Crib assembly success.

Our bellies were growling after our grueling labor, and we wanted some delicious Chinese. We looked at ordering and we both wanted SO much that we decided it would be more cost efficient and more satisfying to our bellies if we just went in for the buffet. And let me tell you, what a buffet it was. A preggie woman's dream I like to call it. So much food, and desserts. I think I got like 4 plates of food... oops. Haha. All the Chinese goodness and fried deliciousness we could eat for two? $22. Fooding our hungry selves... total success.

Now we're having the laziest Sunday. I have picked up a cold or something this weekend and am wicked congested and feel like doing nothing. Our typical Sunday ritual consists of meal planning/grocery shopping, hair cut for Mr. P, errands, and house cleaning, but I won't be surprised if only part (or even none...) of that gets done.
Hope you all had a wonderful weekend and your week is just as awesome!
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