I'm not going to lie, I wasn't always an avid celebrater of Memorial Day. It was an extra day off school and the mark of the beginning of summer. We usually had a cookout and spent time with family and friends. I am not stupid and I know there are sooo many people in America who still have that thought, and I don't blame them, not at all. Not everyone realizes what this day really signifies. Like I said, I didn't give it much of a thought years ago. I always had what I hope was a little more reverance than "average" because of my dad being a Vietnam Veteran and knowing so many people who have fallen, but never did it mean to me what it does to me now. I guess my goal is to spread awareness. That while you're enjoying your picnics, outdoor activities, beers and family time, (none of which are bad!) take just one second to look at those stars and stripes and say thank you.
Yesterday was the FUNdraiser. It turned out great. We had so much fun, I overly enjoyed free beers, people won raffles and silent auctions, and lots of money was raised for Ariana to make sure she is taken care of. It blows my mind how generous people are and how much people care, as well as how much Jonny touched so many people's lives. Really blows my mind (in a good way).
Today was pretty relaxing. Went to my sister in law's for dinner which was delicious and then just spent time with the family. It's good to spend time with them and see them with Ari since we don't get to see them very often.
Tomorrow it is off to Bay Pines, where Jonny's funeral was held, for the Memorial Day ceremony. (Yes, for all those commenters on my post a couple back - I am FULLY aware that Arlington is not the only place where veterans are buried...) I am sure it will be a great ceremony but I am a little nervous. The last time I was there I was being handed a folded flag... it hasn't been that long and is still fresh, but I know that I have the strength to do it and I know it is something I need to do. I won't be visiting Jonny, he's on my living room table at home, (I tried to bring him with us but carrying Ariana onto the plane as well as his heavy box was just a task I wasn't up to) but I do feel I need to visit with some of his fallen comrades, as they are all important.
I hope you all have a great Memorial Day and remember to take a minute and look at those colors and be proud to be American, thankful for the freedoms we have and those who died to give us those freedoms.
"Thanksgiving is a day to be thankful for what we have,
Memorial Day is a day to be thankful for those who died for what we have"

I am thankful for men and women like your husband who fight so bravely to give us the life we are so accustom to. May many more blessing continue to find their way to you. God bless. xoxo
ReplyDeleteThat is wonderful about the fundraiser. Funny how God always puts the right people in our lives at the right times.
ReplyDeleteI chuckled when I read that Jonny is on your living room table. When my Mom brought home my dad, she walked around the house with him trying to figure out where she should put him. He is in her bathroom. My aunt has my uncle in a cookie jar, she takes him everywhere.
ReplyDeleteI thought of you, and shed a tear during the memorial ceremony at the town hall today. Praying for you and Ariana often as well. I hope you have pictures from the fundraiser, I'd love to see them!
This was a beautifully written blog. Just like all of your other blogs. I am so proud of you Rachel. You are such a strong woman and a wonderful mother. -JBoo
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad the fundraiser was a success! Its awesome Jonny touched so many lives and that he's still making sure Ariana has what she needs.
ReplyDeleteI don't think that I ever gave Memorial Day much thought at all until I fell in love with G.I. Joe. Watching him mourn his fallen buddies finally made something click. But I also wish that was a realization we didn't need to make.
ReplyDeleteI just watched this today, and you and your little princess is the first thing that came to my mind. {{BIG HUGS}} to the both of you on this memorial day.
From one military spouse to another:
ReplyDeleteThank you for your sacrifice!
Glad to hear that the FUNdraiser turned out well. Praying that all goes well at the ceremony and that God's peace will be with you and Ariana. :-)
You're so strong. Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers, as always.
ReplyDeleteGod bless and Semper Fi
Thinking about you and your beautiful girl this Memorial Day sending lots of love your way.
ReplyDeleteYou are foremost in my thoughts today. This day started to exist in my mind because of you. Thinking about all of our American Heroes.
ReplyDeleteI saw this blog posted on a friend's facebook. I'd been wanting to find a way to tell you specifically how much you and your daughter have been in my family's thoughts and prayers, but figured a random comment on facebook was just creepy LOL. Somehow this seemed better? :) I'm a "former" Marine wife... and also the daughter of your husband's Uncle Dominic's neighbor. Follow that?
ReplyDeleteI could ramble on forever, but I wanted to know if Ariana has a Daddy Doll or blankie... or if you'd like one for her. It got my son (10-17 months while daddy was gone) through my husband's deployment; now he's 3 and still sleeps with it every night, and I'm sure he'll treasure it the rest of his life.
I'd love for Ariana to have the same thing; it was honestly one of the very first thoughts I had when I heard what happened from Terry and Dominic.
On this, Memorial Day, your husband is at the very forefront of our thoughts and the primary recipient of our most humbled gratitude. Thank you so much for your sacrifice, and please know that you and your family continue to be in our prayers. God Bless You.
i just wanted to say thank you for your thoughts, and opening up to people like this.... your husband is looking down at you with a huge smile knowing that he married a strong woman, someone who can raise your kid to be the best she can be at what ever the world has to offer her after this. just know that he will always be there with you and for you.
ReplyDeletei am thankful that we ran across you and your family, and i am grateful that you are able to share. god bless and "Semper Fi"
You are strong and brave and such an amazing woman and I am sorry that today has to be such a personal day for you. We are remembering Mr. P today as well as our other friend, Capt Comfort. We will not forget their sacrifices as well as yours. Sending Hugs and Love!
ReplyDeleteJust wanted you to honor your and your husband's sacrifice on this Memorial Day.
ReplyDeleteI appreciate the freedom that I enjoy because of it.
Best Wishes,
I'm so glad that people were so generous at the fundraiser!
ReplyDeleteMy thoughts and prayers are with you and Ariana today.
Im hurting for you and I am thinking of your family today. I wish Memorial Day wasn't so personal to you too. Just know there are tons of us thinking a little bit more about what today really means because you have shared your life with us.
ReplyDeleteLots of love and hugs
This morning the first family I thought of was yours. You guys are the people I want to thank today. You, your daughter and your husband made the ultimate sacrifice for this country and for my family. My husband serves in the Army and we are grateful and sorrowful for every fallen comrade. I am sorry for your loss and I'm also very grateful for every soldier who knows that this could be the sacrifice they make one day but they put on their uniform and combat boots anyway.
ReplyDeleteThank from the Orzecks to the Portos!
I've typed out a few things, but I can't figure out the right words to say to you, so all I'm going to say is "Thank you". Thank you and your husband.
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry that Memorial Day has so much meaning for you. I am thinking of you, your husband, and Ariana on this day of remembrance.
ReplyDeleteI was amongst those who just thought of Memorial Day as a day to get together with family and BBQ, enjoy an extra day off...until I married myself a military man.
ReplyDeleteNow, I stop by our base cemetery early in the morning to leave flowers for all those buried there. Today I was wasn't the only one, a few spouses had the same idea.
My thoughts are with you and your daughter today.
you are so strong.... I have been thinking of you and Jonny today.
ReplyDeleteHappy Memorial Day to you. I know it sounds stupid to say Happy but I will in spite of what you've been through. I pray that today you can remember your happiest moments and pay tribute to a true American hero and know that all around our country others are too. I thank God today for your husband and all of his brother and sister Marines and for you. Memorial Day is just as much about the wives and families that have made sacrifices. So I will say it again- Happy Memorial Day, and I hope that it is.
ReplyDeleteI was like you, I never really thought as much about Memorial Day when I was younger. When I got involved with a Military man, that all changed. It all has such a different feeling and meaning to me now.
ReplyDeleteAs always, you are in my thoughts, as is your family.
ReplyDeleteI wanted you to know that today, on Memorial Day, Jonny was remembered here in Jacksonville. I know you aren't in town, but wanted you to know that his memory lives on with all of us. Frank and I attended the Memorial Day Ceremony at the Veteran's Cemetary right outside of Camp Johnson in Jacksonville today and Jonny's name was read and the bell rang for him, as well. I also took some flowers and in honor of Jonny and you and Ariana, they are now at the foot of the flag pole, beside the wreaths that were laid at today's ceremony.
You are always in our prayers,
I seen your article in the paper... I think it was pretty nice of them to do a lil article in there for you. :-)
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to say thank you, your daughter, and your husband. I've been thinking of you this weekend.
ReplyDeleteI thought of you, Ariana and Jonny all day yesterday. I'm so glad the fundraiser was a success. You've all touched so many lives.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, I am officially following you now :)
ReplyDeleteThis post brought tears to my eyes. I can feel with each word how painful it is for you to talk about your husband's death. I am so, so sorry. I meant to leave you a post yesterday, but I wanted to thank you in honor of your husband for his service in the military. And thank you as a spouse because we both know you did your part to serve as well. I am so glad that the fundraiser was so successful that you got so much support both emotionally and financially to help with your daughter. You are a strong and brave woman. I don't know what you're going through but being a navy wife with a 22 month old daughter, I couldn't imagine it. You're doing a wonderful job! One day at a time :) http://reflectionsofanavywife.blogspot.com/
ReplyDeleteYou have an amazing strength that most of us couldn't dream of having. My thoughts are with you and your daughter...
ReplyDeleteFrom Carol:
ReplyDeleteI read your story in JD News a couple days ago. Browsed your blog and I was drawn in. Started reading it last night and finished up this morning. Your blog is awesome and I will be checking in from time to time. Thank you, your husband, and daughter. God Bless!
I have always read your posts and think that you are great! I was sharing with my friend (at a get together on Monday) that I read this blog, etc. He then informed me that he knew you and your husband and was in his unit when he was in the Marines. He was going through how he would drive him up to see you in Md. ect. Just know we were thinking of you this past Monday and said a little prayer for you to get through the day.
ReplyDeleteI recently began reading your blog and I am so sorry for your loss. I am deeply appreciative of yours and your husband's service and sacrifice and I surely do not take it for granted. My heart swells for you and I admire your courage and strength.
I'm thankful to men and women like your husband. if it weren't for them who knows where we would be today. I really admire your strength! I don't think I can do what you do every day. Your family is in my prayers! <3
ReplyDeleteThat is fantastic about the FUNdraiser! I also am with you on the page of needing to just take a moment to think and remember. Even though it needs to be done, a lot of people won't but awareness is key. Loved your post as always!
ReplyDeleteRemembering Jonny with you, and keeping him, and all our fallen heroes, in my prayers this memorial day. I read the post about your FB status "friend." Good riddance to her. I, too, voiced my disappointment that Obama chose not to be at Arlington. Believe me, there are many people, on both sides of the political fence, who feel the way you do. He is the commander in chief overseeing two wars. He should have been there.
ReplyDeleteSaw you in jdnews and stopped by to thank you for all you do for others. I'm happy to see others helping you in return! Stay strong and continue to be who you are. Your daughter is BEAUTIFUL!!!
-j rosales
Hello Mrs. P. I'm very new to blogging, and today I just to happened to run across your blog. First, I wanna tell you that when I first looked at your blog [the top three pictures] tears instantly filled my eyelids up. They are hands down, AmAZING!
ReplyDeleteSecond - To follow your amazing pictures.. your blog is just too stinkn' cute! I love it. I can't wait to read more!
I'm your newest Follower!