So, today, we were supposed to enjoy an adrenaline filled day riding roller coasters. We being my mom, sister, and a couple of her friends. We bought our tickets online, packed up some dry clothes for the ride back, and headed off for the 1.5 hour trek to Bowie, MD.
I fell asleep in the car, as is my usual M.O. when riding along, and was awoken by the other gals in the car saying "WHAT?! CLOSED?!?!" I popped my eyes open and shouted WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT'S CLOSED?! (probably looked like a maniac, I tend to look a little crazy when I first wake up). And there it sat, at the entrance, a sign that read "CLOSED - Open Weekends"
Well, when did this happen? When did the season end? And why on Earth did the website not state that the season was over on the website when we purchased our tickets?
There was a man trimming the hedges so we rolled down a window to see if he had any insight. He told us something along the lines of "Yeah, they just decided to close it. I didn't even know the right schedule for the week. They changed everything this morning." We were of course pretty upset, and we also wanted our money back for the tickets. I don't live in this state any more so there really isn't another opportunity for us to all go, and who wants to go on a weekend when 9 million other people are going to be there?
The gardener man suggests we talk to the man at the gate. The man at the gate checks our tickets and tells us that for refunds we'll need to talk to guest relations and they open at noon, he also said something about it not being on the website but that it was closed because the county schools were back in session. It was barely passed 11. We drove around for a minute but decided to just go back and wait - who knows how long guest relations would be open.
We ended up at guest relations with another family who were inquiring about the same issue. We were greeted at the window by one of the rudest "customer service" representatives I have ever had the displeasure of meeting. The family in front of us was from England - when in the world would they use their tickets again? We told the man that the park closure was NOT stated on their website, and if it were it weren't very visible. Mind you, while we were waiting for guest relations and while we were up there talking, we watched cars and cars come up to the gate and leave - it was very obviously NOT well known that the park was closed. The guest relations man was adamant that it had been posted on the website that it was closed during the week, and like I said was just completely rude. No "I'm sorry" and no sense of compassion at all, just straight up I don't give a crap how far you drove or flew, what you're going to do with the ticket, I am not going to do anything for you.
He told us something about the park was being rented out by Comcast for the day but they canceled. That had absolutely nothing to do with us, or the fact that the website did not say it was closed. It went back and forth, us and the other family trying to get it through to this man that it was not clearly stated there - even the gardener and the security guy had told us it had JUST recently changed (now if you look at the website it's there and noticeable, obviously it wasn't there or we wouldn't have bought tickets for our plan of going today). The argument was falling on deaf ears and this man just didn't want to help or give a hoot. We told him that he was being incredibly rude, the woman in front of us said you're supposed to be guest relations yet you have no relationships with guests! - and when we informed him of his rudeness he LAUGHED. Just thinking about it now makes me so angry.
Six Flags, these are the people you hire to work for you? These are the sheisty things you do? Decide you're going to close and at the last minute put up a tiny "We're now closed on weekdays" box and say screw you to those who saw the site before it was posted/didn't notice it because it is a tiny grey box? Well, you've certainly lost one customer, and I'm sure those English people and the two families that came up after us won't be returning, either.
Oh and get this, guest relations man told us there are 11 Six Flags locations. English family said well where is the next closest one? Man said New Jersey. English fam said yea and that's like a six hour drive. Man said well actually, it's 3 and a half. To these people from another country who just told you they were leaving to go home tomorrow, way to show that good ol' American hospitality. (By the way, from where we were, the Six Flags in NJ was more of a 4 or 5 hour drive).
Thinking about it is getting me all fired up. This is a man that kept saying "the website pacifically stated..." I can't freakin' stand rude and ignorant people!!
After that though, the day turned out pretty well. Cruised the mall in Columbia and had dinner at the delicious Melting Pot and got to see one of my gorgeous sisters who I thought I was going to have to break our date with because we were going to Six Flags... it ended up working out and I had fun. Now I am going to finish my paper. I just found out I have one extra day before heading to the AWP End of Summer Getaway. Widow brain had me thinking I was leaving tomorrow but it's not til Friday. I feel kind of dumb, but it's ok, I'm getting used to it. Ha. So off I prance to work on my paper (hey, at least I got half of it done last night thinking I was leaving tomorrow!)

Oh my gosh. Disney, they ain't.
ReplyDeleteCrazy coincidence, my very first-ever trip to Six Flags, I was in 5th grade and my friend invited me to go to Six Flags in TX (living in Oklahoma) and we made the day-long drive down there...and Six Flags was closed! Rented out by American Airlines for a corporate day. His dad was Air Force and made some joke that he worked for the "real" American airlines, but they didn't let us in. :)
That is horrible, though. I hope you sent the person's name into corporate.
a) that totally stinks. i would call corporate about getting your money back.
ReplyDelete2) i grew up in bowie :) and i remember when it was still wild world (and then cal ripken's adventure world) before it was bought by six flags!
Oh my gosh- that's horrible!!
ReplyDeleteI would write an e-mail to corporate, but that's just me.
At least the day wasn't a total flop. I'm totally jealous of Melting Pot! Glad you guys had a little fun!! :)
Wow... I can't believe that Six Flags acted that way. I would file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau. I hope you end up getting your refund ASAP!
ReplyDeleteWow, I can't believe some people! Sometimes they shouldn't hire certain people for customer services or anything along those lines. I would have been furious since Six Flags tickets are expensive! Ugh, I hope you got some kind of refund or at least reported it!
ReplyDeleteOMG I would have FREAKED on that guy!!! Did you get a refund? I wouldn't have left until you did. OMG I'm angry for you. Six flags isn't cheap!!!! **mentally beating him with a stick**
ReplyDeleteOkay. Time for an adult beverage! Want one?
Have you thought about contacting corporate about this? I am a HUGE fan of rewarding for excellent customer service and complaining about inadequate customer service. I feel so bad for the family from England...just another family that will think of Americans as ignorant and rude.
ReplyDeleteI agree with everyone else. Call up the corporation and ask them if it "pacifically" states that they are closed on the web site why were they selling tickets for a day they wouldn't be open? That's "pacifically" called FRAUD!
ReplyDeleteAnd I so would have called the guy on that...I too hate rude, ignorant people.
I feel terrible for that English family. No wonder other countries dislike us so much and walk away with such horrible impressions.
That is an ABSOLUTE shame!!! TERRIBLE! I'm so sorry :/ But melting pot is far more delicious AND you had half of your paper done :) Good things come out of unpleasant experiences!!!! AND! I agree to all of the above. You being a writer could EASILY write a well-thought out stick-it-to-the-man letter. And boycotts are kinda fun :) Makes 'em squirm a little bit.
ReplyDeleteI have to agree with Niy. I hate that...I would do some SERIOUS complaining...write the newspapers. UGH...IGNORANCE!
ReplyDeletewhat a bunch of dibshits!!!!
ReplyDeleteI'd give them more hell then he'll ask for! Rachel I'm so sorry that this happened to you!
I would call corporate tomorrow, inform them of their asshole customer service rep and demand your money back. If they decide to be dillweeds about it, and you paid with a credit card, call your cc company and dispute it.
ReplyDeleteWhat a crock. I hate rude people.
Always snap a photo of rude customer service folks. They usually won't give you their name or ID number, but a surprise photo sure grabs their attention! I also send that photo to corporate when I complain. At least it makes me feel better. (This was a great piece of advice passed along from my mom when I was a teenager and starting to travel alone and do things without my parents being around).
ReplyDeleteI would definitely write a complaint letter and send it registered mail.
ReplyDeletekarenincal: I was also told a great piece of advice-when you drop kids off somewhere to snap their picture as well, because if heaven forbid there is an emergnecy you have an updated pic with the clothing they are wearing.
ReplyDeletelol I love karenical's advice. That totally sucks, I would have been PISSED!
ReplyDeleteYou are pretty critical of someone's job performance when you really never worked a full day in your whole pathertic life and never intend to.
ReplyDeleteWOW! This is an appalling way to do business. Their customer service stinks! That must have been so frustrating
ReplyDeleteYou should write them a pissy letter and maybe they'll send you some free stuff, like tickets (that you can only use on the weekend, mind you) or an awesome fanny pack.
ReplyDeleteGosh, what a total nightmare. I hope there is some way for you to get your money back.
Wow that sucks! Hopefully it was just that one guy who is rude. Who knows though. I don't really go to those kinds of places so I guess I'll never find out. I can't stand bad customer service! I was a retail store manager for about 8 years and there's just no excuse for being rude to people when someone is in a customer service position. Sucks...
ReplyDeleteVery rude and I would have lost my marbles on the guy, I am not that nice when it comes to rude, ignorant people!
ReplyDeleteIt is great that it turned out to be a good day for you though and you didn't let him ruin it.
ReplyDeleteI have never been to Six Flags and have never heard anything good about it anyways.
I used to go to Bowie all the time to visit familiy though! :) My AUnt used to be the mayor there.
So, you didnt get your money back?? Did you ask to speak to a manager or someone more higher up?? Call.
You should print this post and mail it to:
John Winkler, President
Six Flags America
PO Box 4210
Largo, MD 20775
That is just shocking! If its closed they shouldn't even have the option for people to purchase tickets. How sleezy and dishonest! I would have punched that dude, seriously.
ReplyDeleteSusie - totally laughing right now. When I chaperone my kids' school field trips, I take a picture of each kid assigned to my group. They are so used to it now, they all just line up for their picture before we head out of class.
ReplyDeleteAnd whoever anonymous is that implied Rachel hasn't worked a full day - probably isn't a mom, and a single one at that. We work 24/7 keeping house, kids and homefront running. Go somewhere else to post your crankiness.
The anonymous cowardly bitch must be back^^^, i already wrote this out once on my phone but im pretty sure it did not post.
ReplyDeleteObviously I dont need to defend Rachel but I could not let this one go. Your comment is just wrong, to say that she never intends to work a day in her life is the biggest lie, do you not remember she is going back to school to get her masters and plans on becoming a counselor for the troops/marines back in NC?? or do you just read the blogs where you can attack her, and also she worked in a CDC back where she is from. So im sorry but Im pretty sure thats working, not to mention being a mother is a full time job. She is trying to make her life as good as possible within the circumstances and doing what is best for her daughter, herself all while keeping Jonny's memory alive. Trying to help others, so I dont know where you get off with your comment. And though I may have never met Rachel in person I consider her a friend and I'll be damned if some anonymous person is going to try and take her down. She is stronger than you will ever be. Its easy for you to hide behind the anonymous comments, when she is so open about her life, love and tragedy. So take your comments somewhere else.
I just couldnt let this one go, remember Rachel for every "anonymous" person trying to take you down, there are thousands of us here lifting you up in prayer, love and inspiration.
I can't believe that customer relations guy--that is beyond acceptable. If I were you, I would draft a very professional letter to Six Flags corporate office and make your grievance known. You should have every dime refunded to you and every member in your family and I'm sure they'll compensate you for being completely inconvenienced. Clearly you weren't the only one! But they should know they have someone representing them who is clearly incapable of dealing with customers.
ReplyDeleteAlso, "anonymous"--you are a total asswipe. SORRY, just had to put that out there. I hate mean people and this fires up my rage.
Maybe you should start a Facebook page to start a boycott of Six Flags. I bet that would be interesting to see how many people feel the same way.
ReplyDeleteI've never heard anything good about Six flags besides the fact that some of the rides are thrilling. I'll be sticking with my Disney favoritism. Expensive, yes, but boy do they have customer service down!
ReplyDeleteI still can't believe this guy was so rude. They should at least offer refunds! Ug. it seems customer service just gets worse and worse lately.
Wow, Six Flags sucks! I would raise hell to get my money back. :) Now I have absolutely no desire to go there!
ReplyDeleteI can't stand horrible customer service!! That is seriously one of my biggest pet peeves! I'm so sorry that guy was rude to you guys!
ReplyDeleteAs for "anonymous," why did you feel the need to hide behind the anonymous feature? You aren't man or woman enough to show who you are. Real nice. Grow up.
LMAO! Hey Anonymous! Mom. The hardest working gal, ever. At least Rachel has the balls to put her opinions out there, with her name and face attached. You hide behind "anonymous" and expect people to take you seriously?!
ReplyDeleteWow. Speaking of rude, inconsiderate people who DON'T actually read posts (I think they just glazed over the first statement that she put up...)
ReplyDeleteDo you really not have the GUTS to stand up behind your comment? I agree with EVERYTHING Melissa said. You're just being downright DUMB to want to start something. (Or you just like attention.)
You're inspirational in every way Rachel (even if I hardly know you at all). Praying for you tons and know you're getting through this even when the road gets a teeny bit bumpy (like meeting horribly, inconsiderate people who have never been raised with an ounce of courtesy)
Who the H3LL is this "anonymous"?!?!?! I freaking can NOT stand that $hit!!!!!! I think I am more boiled about the "anonymous" comment then I am about your six flags trip. Grrrr!!!!
ReplyDeleteObviously, the anonymous coward doesn't know who she is messing with. Go bark up another tree!
Definitely contact corporate. Ridiculous way to handle customer "service "
ReplyDeleteI guess because I live local to the area and have for a while I kind of know that once school starts back up that the amusement parks are only open on the weekends. Sorry you had to deal with such rude people but you have to think about the area the park is located in and then think about the quality of people who they hire because of this. Six Flags is scary anyway.
ReplyDeleteewwww what a JERK! I wonder who his boss is!?? and I HATEEEE people who say "pacific"... huh like the OCEAN? AHhh it makes me crazy.
ReplyDeleteI find "Anonymous"'s comment to be an ignorant statement from someone that obviously can't read and needs to get a life aside from reading a military widow's blog and making unwarranted comments. Maybe if you were an intelligent person you would be able to read that Rachel has an education, she is continuing her education and she is also a military wife, a mother, and a person that does things in support of the military. I wonder what your pathetic existance would consist of if you lost your husband at a young age and had to raise a baby alone, I am pretty sure you'd keep you big mouth shut. Do us all a favor, if you want to write ridiculous and slanderous comments on someone's blog that vocalizes her opinions, concerns, and daily life all in an open forum with her picture and name to back up her comments, at least have the balls to say who you are. I guess the only reason you keep your anonymous comments anonymous is because you are an ignorant person and know that all of the people that look forward to reading Rachel's post would jump down your throat the same way we are now. Get a life and next time you decide to be malicious and heartless at least cop to your posts instead of hiding behind "anonymous". End of story!
ReplyDeleteI have worked for an amusement park owned by Cedar Fair (company who owns cedar point) and I know for a fact if I showed any kind of rude behavior toward a guest it would result in my manger running up to where I was working and yelling loudly in my face. Although, I would always try to be the nicest person in the world to the people who came through the amusement park just because it was most likely important to them (and its just being a good person). Even if my day was going hooorrribly wrong. The people who treated you badly should get fired promptly, try writing to corporate (they might do something?).
ReplyDeleteAND they don't offer a military discount. jerks.