Amazingly, I said this to a man I'd known, oohhh about a week, maybe two, and he didn't run screaming. Here we are today living that fortune.
Let's take a minute to look back at the past year...

There were about six guys Mr. P hung out with all the time in MD. These two crazies, Darlington and Bacon, are stationed in NC too, so luckily we still get to spend time with them!

He lived in the barracks and did laundry at my parents' house, so I got to play in his clothes!

We quickly fell in love

I began learning all about the Marine Corps during a trip to The Marine Corps Museum in Quantico, Va in Septemeber. Little did I know how much more I still had (
and have) to learn.

We enjoyed the fall holidays. We picked pumpkins, got lost in the corn maze, and went home and carved our huge pumpkins. Our pumpkins had a combined weight of about 75 lbs.

The last hoorah before all his buddies left for their permanent duty stations. This was the bowling alley where we met the previous August.

On Nov 1, 2009, the day Mr. P PCSed to NC, he proposed to me. After missing his first flight, we had a whole day to kill so we spent time eating and drinking at a local bar (
Loafers in Catonsville, MD). It was then that Mr. P dropped to one knee and asked that we be together forever. Obviously I said yes!

He "reproposed" (
aka proposed with an actual ring) at the end of November by surprising me and showing up to the family Thanksgiving trip to Disney World. We spent Thanksgiving with his family in Florida and I finally got to meet (
almost) everyone.

I spent 11 hours driving (
one way) to bring him home (
my home, not his, but a home nonetheless) for Christmas. We had a great time celebrating in our PJs.

We had a fantastic time in Ocean City, MD for Valentine's Day. I took Mr. P for his first MD Blue Crabs and taught him how to pick crabs. One of the best weekends ever!

We tied the knot on May 2, 2009 and celebrated with 180 (
give or take) of our closest friends and family.

We honeymooned at Onslow Beach in NC and found out at the end of our honeymoon time that we were expecting.

So I packed up all my crap and moved on down to NC and we moved into our house at the end of May!
One year later, Mrs and Mr P in Myrtle Beach, Sc, wearing our luau gear ;-)
When I think back I still can't believe it's been a whole year. And I am even more in disbelief of all of the major events that have happened within that year. Thanks for sticking around for whole year's worth of recapping, if you made it to the end props to you!
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