For Labor Day, Mr. P. got off at noon on Friday and didn't have to return to the battalion until 1800 Tuesday (and that was only for formation which lasts less than an hour). Fantastic. During this particular 96 Holiday, one of my favorite people from home, JP, and his girlfriend Liz, came to visit. Our first non-family company! Woohoo!! Friday I spent picking up the house and getting the spare bedroom ready for our guests. They arrived around 2am Saturday morning. We spent some time catching up and chatting and then headed to bed.
Saturday we woke up and headed to Onslow Beach for some much needed sun time. This was after I finished making potato salad for our little get together that was to take place later on in the day. We got a nice spot on the beach and while Liz and I soaked up the rays (me with my 50 SPF on, learned the hard way that pregnant skin is much more sensitive skin!) the boys splashed around. Liz and I joined them and while the days are still much hotter than fall days should be (hey this ain't Maryland anymore!) the water seemed to be a bit chilly! (Strange because I thought the water got warmer even when the temperature "dropped") After fun sun and surf, we headed back to prepare for our little Cook Out (or grill-out as I've heard them referred to here...) While JP and Liz ran to Walmart, Mr. P started on the burgers and I perfected the tae-ta salad and cleaned the house a bit. That's when the texts started... the guys from Hubs' work that he'd invited, with their stories, most saying they already had plans. I'd asked for people to let us know by the morning but of course they let us know an hour before we told them to be here (Don't ya just love when people can't give you a solid definite yes or no?!) So it ended up being Me and Hubs, JP and Liz, Bacon, and my friend Caitlin and her husband Christian. It was a decent number of people, and they were all people I like so we ended up having a really nice little cook out, no pressure!
Sunday we woke up and were not sure what we wanted to do. At around 1pm we finally decided we'd head down to Myrtle Beach (which is only about 2 hours from our house). We get down there and head to Broadway Beach but it was raining for the majority of the time so we had fun stoppin in shops, playing mini golf, and enjoying $7 ice cream cones. All of course with some time for goofing off in between.

Tuesday was a day we wanted to get up and get things done. Since I'm not so great at the whole "get up" thing, we ended up leaving around... Oh 1 in the afternoon. Oops. We went over to housing to talk about getting on the list for base housing but needed a billion other forms and of course when we went to the place to get the forms they had just closed (I love government hours... gr) We saw no point in going all the way home just to come back to base for formation (trying to save ga

We found a little off-road trail and decided to throw the truck into four-wheel drive and check it out. At the end of the trail there was a beautiful water hole of some sort (we're assuming it's the old quarry), a ton of neat views, and a perfect place for hubs to take a pee (Hahaha).

Afterwards we headed over to the Battalion to get ready for Mr. P's formation, to check in, let them know he's still here and ready to report to work on Wednesday. We had some time to burn so we went for a walk, down to the dock at the end of the road (yeah, he works right near the water and gets no time to go look at it, sad!) And of course we sat and took tons of photos (ok, ok, I took the photos... haha)

After formation, we went to Camp Geiger to pick up Bacon because Ballyhoo! was in Wilmington and we were goin down to ROCK OUT. Hubs finally decided he was gonna come too, since he didn't have to open the armory, which made me super happy. So we traveled down to Wilmington to catch one of my favorite bands who also happens to be from my home town.

Ballyhoo! rocked out (as per usual) and because the lead singer from Badfish was sick, Howi sang some Sublime songs as well as Ballyhoo! songs, so it was pretty freaking rad. After the show (and before lol I'm such a dork) I chatted with the band for a little bit, it's great that I got two Maryland "visitors" in one long weekend! The boys had a great time and Hubs and Bacon both got a little drunk.

And because it is Wednesday, a picture celebrating the halfway point of my pregnancy!
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