As many of my friends know, I've been dieting. I am trying to get rid of this baby weight and be comfortable in my own skin, if even just a little bit, again. I decided to go ahead and try the nutrisystem plan. Cooking for one is one of the most depressing things ever and no matter how I plan it I end up cooking too much and inevitably eating too much or just wasting food. I also HATE the super market. So, I chose a method that means food comes to me in portions created for one. Now I just have to go grocery shopping for little miss and that's not so bad!
So far, I've had pretty good luck with it and have been very satisfied. You do have to buy some foods; produce, proteins, and dairy, just a few things, but not as bad as trying to figure out one-person meals. I've seen results already (I've been on it for a few weeks) and the food is definitely pretty decent. There have been some that I didn't like but the ones I didn't like are much less than the ones I do. It's so much more convenient for me and makes more sense than trying to figure out how to cook for one. When I decided to start eating better and getting back into shape, I looked at all methods and honestly it was the cooking for one and hating shopping that lead me down the nutrisystem path.
But... I'm a big fat cheater. And I need to come here to my outlet to confess and to yell to the great interwebs that I am a lover of bad-for-you foods!!
So, I was doing great. Sticking to it, losing. And then yesterday happened. I was out and about and didn't bring anything to eat with me. I could have made a healthy alternative (they have suggestions for eating out) but man I was craving fast food. Good ol' American fried crap. I know. I know. But, I hit up the Wendy's and enjoyed a delicious chicken club sandwich and fries. Let me tell you, it was sooo good. It was like (I'm going to be completely vulgar here) a big fat O in my mouth. My taste buds smiled and sang glorious hallelujahs. Then today came. And I was doing pretty good again. We were out and about again so I chose Subway (cheated with orange soda - it'd been so long and Lord knows I looove me some orange soda) but it wasn't too, too bad. Then. Well then.... THEN came... THE FAIR. AHHHH!! FAIR FOOD!
Funnel Cake.
Can't read that??
Oh man, was I bad. But ya know what, fall off the horse, pick yourself up, try again. Let your taste buds enjoy some of their favorite bad-for-you foods and get on the diet plan again tomorrow.
So there ya have it, my confession and my true love for crap food. But hey, it's ok, I've made progress and I can handle (physically and emotionally) a couple set backs. Actually, at the beginning of this week I was just about at my pre-pregnancy weight. Woot.
So, uhh, my eating is really all I've got for now. Here's to getting back on that horse tomorrow and back on track!

I'm right there with you girl! I love the bad-for-you foods and LOATH cooking for one! I think that it's good, no NECESSARY to indulge every so often. Regardless of what the scale says you have to enjoy life girl. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteI'm going to ask a question I shouldn't (feel free to tell me to eff off and mind my own business) but how much weight have you lost and how long did it take?
ReplyDeleteI've yo-yo'd back and forth trying to decide if I want to do nutrisystem or not, but I never knew anyone IRL style that had tried it, and I don't trust paid testimonials :P
Furthermore - orange soda is my weakness as well. IF I drink Soda - it's orange soda.
Every time I say I'm going to eat better and get back into shape, funnel cake derails my plans. lol
ReplyDeleteDon't feel bad! You're not alone there! haha
I guess NutriSystem has improved since I tried it- it was horrible 2 years ago!!! Glad to hear even though you had some "setbacks" you aren't letting it bring you down! And FUNNEL CAKES??? Oh, how I'd love one (or 2...even better with some chocolate on them!) Good luck with getting to you goal!
ReplyDeleteWe all have our cheating days. But like I tell SoldierMan, forget about yesterday and just move on tomorrow! Cause we can't change what we ate yesterday, so don't worry about it. :) He doesn't listen to me, though. Every Sunday night through Monday night is the typical moaning and groaning of everything we did "bad" over the weekend (even this last weekend when we ate no fast food, went out to eat once and ate salad and steak and a little bitty baked potato and semi-decent homecooked meals). And I'm like, okay, so we screwed up. Forget about it. Move on. But he wasn't raised that way.
ReplyDeleteWow, this was about to turn into a late-night in-law rant. Sorry about that. Anyway, all that to say, everyone deserves a funnel cake now and then. And once a year won't kill ya. ;) You've got the right attitude. Just pick yourself up and do better tomorrow. That's all that matters.
If it's just me (or me and a young'in) when SoldierMan deploys, I was definitely considering Nutrisystem. How do you think it is cost-wise? I mean, I guess it's worth however much it costs if it works. But how does it compare with your previous food spending?
I LOVE food but what has helped me is not drinking soda and when I'm at a fast-food joint, I opt for iced tea instead. I also find drinking a ton of water a day helps and I also drink slim-fast every morning...everyone's body is different but I noticed little changes definitely lead to big results!
ReplyDeleteI have a love affair with crap food too! I have honestly considered Nutrisystem so many times but dont know enough about it. If it isn't too nosy, how many months did you sign up for and how much did it cost?
ReplyDeleteGood for you though! Seriously :)
congrats on eatting healthy!! i completely get the whole cooking for one, i use to just do lean cuisine meals, but now i have a one year old who sometimes eats or sometimes just plays... but my hubs found an awesome website u can put in how many people and they give u exact amount of each thing u need!! ( u can put in ingredients and even safe ones u like!!
ReplyDeletegood luck with ur diet and a little fun is always ok as long as its in moderation and u dont beat urself up!!
by the way i love reading ur posts!! glad u enjoyed ur run and getting some u time :) u deserve it!!
I've been thin, thick and everywhere in between, unfortunately food is my drug of choice. If there's one thing i've learned it's you can't beat yourself up over it. Don't feel like your a cheater, because when you totally deprive yourself you'll probably end up binging. Let yourself indulge a little and then get back on track ... I know it's easier said than done.
ReplyDeleteI totally get what you mean by wanting to feel comfortable in your own skin, it's been so long since i've felt that way. I actually just posted today about trying to start loosing weight again too. I have a long long way to go.
- I'm sending lots of love and support your way !
ReplyDeleteThis made me giggle, I've been debating on the nutrisystem too because of the same reasons. But with Julia getting older and eating more I'm not sure how that would actually work for me.
Get back on your horse, you can do it!!
I love eating fast food. I keep telling myself that I shouldn't and I'm usually pretty good about holding off but lately I've been eating a lot of junk but I need it!! ha ha
ReplyDeleteI did NutriSystem with my mom a few years ago and actually lost weight. It is a smart way to do it. We used to mix fruit in with certain things to make them taste a little better... like if you microwave some blueberries, stir them up, and pour them on the pancakes then you don't need butter or syrup and it isn't dry! Tastes better too.
ReplyDeleteI have a secret weakness for funnel cake too. When Ryan and I went to Kings Dominion a few weeks ago they had them in stick form! It was so convenient! They just rolled the dough in long skinny pieces, almost like fries, and doused them in powdered sugar. YUM.
Ryan has been dieting to lose weight so at home I do the same... but at work I totally eat whatever. Fail. But that chocolate chip cookie really can be a wonderful midmorning pick me up!
The nutrisystem food isn't bad, but it triggered my migraines so I lost A LOT of weight, considering every time I would eat I would spend the rest of the day in bed. It took me a while to figure out it was the food!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE Funnel cakes! I read once in an article about weight loss that while getting in shape for the Dukes of Hazzard Jessica Simpson said that she would allow herself 2 bites of "what ever" like at the fair 2 bites of funnel cake...that's it. That way you really aren’t depriving yourself you had it, now move away from it.
Good luck with the weight can do it!
Funnel cakes are absolutely amazing, and could tempt Jenny Craig herself. I make the worst advocate for healthy eating, since I can barely do it myself. Counting on (eventually) getting a good workout started to keep up with the terrible pull of tasty, tasty fried chicken biscuits (speaking from continuing Bojanglaholic experience). More power to you for trying the healthy eating method! I've heard that learning to eat healthier foods is a more lasting strategy than only going to the gym. You go girl :)
ReplyDeleteIf you don't allow for junk food days you will derail and feel so much pressure all the time. Everything in moderation. You look amazing by the pix you post and you have a great head on your shoulders. You can do it girl;)
ReplyDeleteI have been on and off Nutrisystem for a while now. Its a great program but the occassional cheat does happen. Don't be too hard on yourself, just pick yourself up and keep trying to stick to it!
ReplyDeleteAll diets should let you have one or two cheat meals a week, just to fix the cravings :)
ReplyDeleteExcuse me? ARE WE FRIENDS????
ReplyDeleteDon't.... like.... shopping????
WHO ARE YOU??????????
And yay for being almost your prepregnancy weight! woohooo!!!
Hi, blog stalker, new commenter hehe... I found you through charbelle by the way. In the very first paragraph I was thinking man she shouldn't go to the fair LOL then you did and I was like wa waa waaaa....fair food SUCKS for dieting. Oh well. Good luck on your diet!
ReplyDeleteCooking, no matter for how many, sucks. It is the one thing that I really don't enjoy doing at all. As a lifetime Weight Watcher, I'm right there with you about loving food (and don't forget drink!). Don't view your diet as a diet or it will be forever depressing. View it as eating healthy and a lifestyle change to keep you healthy. Included in your lifestyle is some junk food along the way, just not every day...
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on finding a program that works for you on so many level! I hate cooking for just me...but I'm getting used to it. My sister is getting ready to go on Nutrasystem, so i'm happy to know that it's good and eash! Don't sweat the indulgences! Like you said...start again tomorrow! Keep us posted & I'll keep cheering from the sidelines for you!
ReplyDeleteI also have a love affair with crap food and here I've been wondering why I can't lose weight. What? I have to stop eating Panda Express? Maybe I'll learn to be happy with this weight. lol
ReplyDeleteLMAO! I am here with ya sista! I fell off my health wagon today with a big fat Olive Garden splurge. I had a white wine,the yummy salad, a bowl o pasta(3 cheese marinara), 2 bread sticks, and oh a heavenly caramel hazelnut capuccino!!! YUM YUM YUM but the gym is haunting me and calling my name.
ReplyDeleteBeen following you for a little while :) Creepy I know...Haha
ReplyDeleteFair food is the best!! I loooove elephant ears (as I call them), and corn on the cob, and tenderloin sandwiches...MMM
Hope Nutrisystem works for you, and congrats on getting back to pre-preggo weight! I had my son almost 8 months ago :( And seeing that old number back on the scale is probably one of the most exciting times ever!
Have a great weekend!
Completely unrelated to this post- but this video made me think of you.
Gosh I'm with ya! I love junk food. It's delicious! Lately Ive been watching what I put in my mouth. More whole grains, less white breads. Less sodium and sugar. In fact, anything less than 7g of sugar, I wont eat. Dieting is a life style change, it cant be looked at as just a phase. I hope you the best - its so hard at times, I know!!
Yeah, I think no matter how good I could try to be, funnel cake would slip me up!!
ReplyDeleteIt's good to not ignore your cravings. You need to give in from time to time. I mean, it can't be all the time...but once in a while you should let yourself be bad. If you deny yourself constantly then you fall off the horse hard. Good luck with your diet!!
ReplyDeleteLOL....I died laughing at the Funnel Cake one! I make some mean homemade ones :0) When you come to the East Coast I will make you your very own!
ReplyDeleteway to go girl for getting on a plan!! and, Fairs are wayy too hard to stay on diets at. I mean, the only thing to do at fairs is eat. I was supposed to go to one this weekend and I ended up not going but made pumpkin cookies at home instead :) And ate wayyyy too many!
ReplyDeletevery good!!!
ReplyDeleteOh, now I want Wendy's and a funnel cake. Good thing we only have one car, and it's not here right now.
ReplyDeleteJust because you cheated a little doesn't mean you can't start over. Good for you for finding a meal plan that mostly works for you!
I found your blog on fellow military wife's blog. I started reading your profile and started crying. God Bless you for what you have been through. My heart goes out to you. My husband is in the military now and has been to Afghanistan and Iraq a few times but has always come home safe. Your little girl is absolutely adorable. I am now a follower. Hope you can follow back. I have also put your button on my sidebar and was wanting to know if you could do the same?
Hey Mrs. P I just wanted to say I love your blog! I'm a new follower. And today while I was having a crappy morning waiting in the doc office for hours I was reading the Aug 9th issue of People Magazine. They had a segment on Marines returning from Afghanistan. I saw your husbands name and a picture of his casket being carried off the plane. they hada little part writen about him. Really made me tear up, especially when I made the connection between you two. You have probably seen this I'm sure, but if not I took a pic for you! lol. Stay strong for yourself and your baby girl. I'm so sorry about your loss, but like you said, he's your gaurdian angel now, watching over you two.
ReplyDeleteI am your newest follower. And I hope you will do the same as well. I just wanted to say that when I started reading your blog I couldn't stop crying. Wow you have been through so much. Your daughter is absolutely adorable. And as for the fair food it is the best the corn on the cob,love it! Love some Funnel Cake as well.I hope Nutrisystem works for you please let us know how it goes.